I've been pondering for weeks now the idea of trying again to publish through the traditional publishing houses if I am fortunate enough to win the Clive Cussler Adventure Writers Competition in October.
In conversations with, and, reading the blogs of other writers, I still find myself in a quandary as to my future decision. Many say the traditional route is long and uncertain process, but could be rewarding if successful, whereas continuing as an indie publisher can be just as rewarding if done right with a well formulated marketing strategy.
When I first completed Zero Point, I sent out queries to publishing houses and received too few "not interested," and far more "no response." After months, and with a growing doubt as to my book's worthiness, I set it on the shelf for over a year until I discovered the self publishing world.
With print on demand publishing and the ebook market booming, I decided to jump in. I found it a fairly simple process; from having a cover professionally designed, my MS formatted for ebook, to uploading the MS to the POD publisher, Yeah baby..! I thought the royalties would start rolling in. Ummm....Not so much. But, I did realize a greater personal satisfaction of hearing from others that they did enjoy the story, which was a nice feeling. But, with the writing competition results nearing, and the second book in my series half complete, I find that I would enjoy seeing a higher sales and more feedback through book reviews and hopefully, interviews to get my name and story out there.
I must be patient; as is the golden rule for all writers. It it happens, then great! If not; then I'll keep plugging. Until then, I'll keep writing.
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